When you work with a database-driven script app for your website, all of the content that you or the website users add, is stored in cells and tables in a database, not as simple text in the application files. In contrast, HTML websites are static and all the content on such a website is part of the actual HTML files. A web store application, for example, takes all the prices, items, user reviews, etc, from its database and this is the same for any kind of script which allows you to create a dynamic website. The more the info you insert, the larger the database becomes, so in case you use a script-driven site, you have to make sure that your hosting package includes sufficient database storage space. The latter applies no matter what type of databases you employ - for example MySQL or PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL Database Storage in Shared Hosting
We provide a number of shared hosting plans so as to offer you a chance to pick the characteristics that you actually need and never pay extra for options that you'll never use. That's why, the PostgreSQL storage is an additional enhancement that you will be able to add through your Hepsia Control Panel for some of the plans; with others you will receive a certain quota, while with the top plans you get unrestricted database storage space. Because you can easily switch between the plans or upgrade particular features, you may start with a lower-end one then upgrade when you would like to host PostgreSQL-driven websites. Needless to say, if you would like to create this type of a website from the very beginning, you can pick the most appropriate plan which comes with PostgreSQL support as standard.
PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you acquire one of our semi-dedicated plans, you'll be able to run PostgreSQL websites without having to worry that you can reach any sort of restriction for the volume of your databases, as there isn't such a restriction. When you use our cloud web hosting platform, a separate group of servers manages your databases, which means that when more computing power or database storage space is necessary at any moment, we just connect additional servers or hard drives. In contrast to other suppliers, we don't manage everything on the same server. All of our plans are very powerful and make it possible for you to operate heavy, multi-media sites, so we have made sure that the PostgreSQL database storage space feature matches all the rest of the attributes. The Hepsia website hosting Control Panel that is provided with the semi-dedicated accounts allows you to see the size of any PostgreSQL database you have and even the total size of all databases, and these numbers are available exclusively for your own information.